Getting started guide
Welcome aboard! You’ll be making and playing awesome learning games in no time - just follow the step-by-step instructions in this guide.
Download guide (PDF - 755 KB)Free resources including presentations for professional development sessions and events, and information on Kahoot! pedagogy!
Welcome aboard! You’ll be making and playing awesome learning games in no time - just follow the step-by-step instructions in this guide.
Download guide (PDF - 755 KB)Need Kahoot! illustrations or colors for your article or presentation? You can find them here!
Kahoot! illustrations (ZIP - 803KB) Kahoot! color palette (PNG - 111KB)Free resources including presentations for professional development sessions and events, and information on Kahoot! pedagogy!
Kahoot! pedagogy (PDF - 575 KB) PDF presentation (PDF - 6MB) How to create a course