Kahoot! is now a staple in classrooms all over the world. Yet its reach goes far beyond schools. More than a million corporate employees use Kahoot! for training every month in their organizations, including 25% of companies from the Fortune 500.

In the special edition of our EdTrends report that we’re releasing today, we’re looking into trends shaping learning in the workplace today, which technologies are hot picks in corporate training, what new methods have emerged and the best practices experts pinpoint. The report will provide answers to these questions, backed with survey data and expert opinions.

We compiled the report by gathering insights from our platform and results from a survey of more than 400 corporate trainers globally to discover their key goals, methods and challenges in training.

Main highlights of this EdTrends report

Here’s a short summary of what you’ll learn from the report:

  • How trainers work now, and how they plan to train and use budgets in 2018
  • Why and how gamification is disrupting training
  • The technologies trainers prefer to use
  • How trainers assess the results of their work and learning outcomes of those they train
  • An exclusive interview with Greg McLaughlin, VP Sales Operations at Getty Images, who shares his top tips for trainers and predictions for how corporate training will evolve in 2018.

For more context, read our press release announcing the report.

Download the report

What trends have you observed in your company this year? Join the conversation on LinkedIn and Twitter!