Nickname generator

When you’re hosting a game in Classic mode you have the option to assign fun and friendly nicknames to the players – a combination of an adjective and an animal. All players can spin the wheel up to 3 times to be assigned a random name – hilarity will ensure! The room will be filled with magic hippos, humble dragons or creative unicorns.

How to use the nickname generator

1. Launch the kahoot game you want to play as usual from your account.
2. In the lobby, toggle on the Nickname generator feature from the game options menu – see screenshot below for reference! At this point, this feature supports games in Classic mode.
3. Players will join at or in the app as usual. After entering the game PIN they have up to three tries to choose a nickname generated at random, before joining the game.
4. Have fun Kahoot!’ing!

Nickname generator

Kick inappropriate nicknames from the game

In the case that you want to let your players’ creativity run free, you can opt to not use the nickname generator. If anyone in the room joins with an inappropriate nickname, you have the option to simply “kick out” the player from the Kahoot! game. Just hover over the nickname so it’s crossed out and click to remove the name.

Kick nicknames tutorial

Finally, Kahoot! also has a filter in place that immediately removes words that are deemed universally inappropriate. When a player tries to use one of these words, their nickname will be changed automatically to a neutral word.