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Kahoot! EDU Summit

Welcome to the Kahoot! EDU Summit

Watch the recordings from the virtual 2020 Kahoot! EDU Summit on June 17th 2020 to prepare and be inspired for the upcoming school year!

View the 2021 Kahoot! EDU Summit on-demand


Watch all sessions

Kahoot! Kick-off
Get the most out of Kahoot! New features and more!
SEL is essential in the digital world with Common Sense Education
Microsoft + Kahoot!: redefining classroom collaboration
Panel on distance learning
Lessons and learnings from higher education
Making virtual and blended learning sustainable with Britannica
Insights-driven instruction with Kahoot!
UN75 + SDGs: the future we want
Apple + Kahoot!: teaching and learning from anywhere
Google for Education + Kahoot!: tools for blended learning
Ask Kahoot!
Tools you can use tomorrow
Let loose with Kahoot! – trivia, prizes and more!

Speaker lineup

10-11am EDT / 4-5 pm CET

Kahoot! Kick-offKahoot! kick-off keynote session

Let’s get the first Kahoot! EDU Summit started! Eilert Hanoa, Kahoot! Group CEO, Sean D’Arcy, Head of Kahoot! at School, Jean-Baptiste Huynh, Founder and CEO of DragonBox, Agnete Pedersen, Head of Kahoot! Academy, and Craig Narveson, US General Manager & Head of Content Partnerships, will kick off the event and give you a sneak peek into some exciting updates we’re preparing for back-to-school 2020.

This session will be relevant for all attendees of the Kahoot! EDU Summit.

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11 am-12 pm EDT / 5-6 pm CET

Carol Salva EDU Summit 11am EDT

Get the most out of Kahoot! New features and more!

Hear from ESL educator Carol Salva on how to get the most out of Kahoot! for your class. Together with Carol, we’ll show you new kahoot features, walk you through, all the awesome question types you can use when you create a kahoot, show you how to find high-quality content, and host a kahoot live in your lesson.

The session is perfect for educators of all grades looking for a deeper understanding of how Kahoot! can help them make learning awesome.

Find resources:

How to create holiday selfie kahoots

Engage English Learners with Kahoot!

How students can create kahoots

Made for Students

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SEL is essential in the digital world with Common Sense Education

Join Common Sense Education, a leader in Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), to learn how to integrate SEL and technological well-being into your curriculum. Hear about relevant research and experience practical techniques you can start implementing in your classroom right away!

The session is perfect for educators of upper grades (6-12) looking for creative ways to seamlessly integrate Social and Emotional Learning into your already busy schedule.

Find resources:

Common Sense Research

Digital Citizenship resources on Kahoot!

Digital Citizenship resources

Resources for teaching SEL

Common Sense Conversations

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Kahoot! and Microsoft session

Microsoft + Kahoot!: redefining classroom collaboration

Hear from Mike Tholfsen, Product Manager at Microsoft EDU, and Kahoot! VP of Products, James Micklethwait, about how Microsoft and Kahoot! are redefining collaboration between teachers and students. Get up to date with what’s happening at Microsoft and Kahoot!, and see practical demos of Microsoft Teams, Powerpoint and Flipgrid with useful tips on transforming your classroom, both physical and virtual.

The session is perfect for educators and administrators of all grades looking to learn how Microsoft and Kahoot! are making the classroom more engaging and interactive.

Find resources:

Kahoot app for Microsoft Teams

IT Admin settings in Microsoft Teams

App smashing Kahoot! and Minecraft

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12-12:30 pm EDT / 6-6:30 pm CET

Panel on distance learningpanel on distance learning graphic

Natasha Mascarenhas, a reporter from TechCrunch, hosts a discussion between Dr. Quentin Lee, principal of Childersburg High School in Alabama, and Mia Leonard, an elementary school teacher at Chicago Public Schools, about distance learning.

The panel will provide insights to educators and administrators of all grades about distance learning.

Find resources:

Solve in Time

Mia Leonard

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12:30-1 pm EDT / 6:30-7 pm CET

30-minute lunch break

1-2 pm EDT / 7-8 pm CET

Kahoot! EDU Summit higher education session

Lessons and learnings from higher education

Alf Inge Wang, Professor in Game Technology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and Kahoot! co-founder, will share his best practices of using Kahoot! in university lectures. Then, Sarah Whittaker, Manager of the Learning Technology Team at HCT Dubai, will dive into detail about how her university uses Kahoot! campus-wide and what improvements they’ve seen in engagement.

The session is perfect for administrators and higher education instructors interested in understanding how Kahoot! can be a successful tool at all levels of learning.

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Making virtual and blended learning sustainable with Britannica

Join an interactive lesson hosted by Britannica, a leader in high-quality content and personalized education, to discover research-based pedagogical approaches to virtual learning that increase student engagement and enhance their critical thinking skills while raising subject area literacy.

The session is perfect for educators of lower grades (K-6) who strive to maintain rigorous literacy standards through online and blended learning.

Find resources:

Summer Literacy Workbook

CARES Act Guide

Britannica resources on Kahoot!

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Google session at the Kahoot! EDU summit

Google for Education + Kahoot!: tools for blended learning

Experience Google and Kahoot! integrations live with Ryan Clark, Partner Program Lead at Google, educator Matt Miller, and Kahoot! Product Manager Alex Remen. Hear about Google’s take on distance learning and practical ways to implement synchronous and asynchronous tools for any learning environment.

The session is perfect for educators and administrators of all grade-levels who are looking for new perspectives on how to use tech tools in their schools.

Find resources:

Learners to leaders

Create interactive lessons

Spreadsheet importer

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2-3 pm EDT / 8-9 pm CET

Learn about Kahoot! reports at the EDU Summit

Insights-driven instruction with Kahoot!

Join educator Steve Auslander and Kahoot! Product Manager Osama Hanif to learn how to make the most of analytics in Kahoot! reports to assess learning outcomes and target your instruction.

This session is perfect for administrators and all grade-level teachers who prioritize analytics to maintain high-quality learning, inform teaching practices and develop their curriculum.

Find resources:

Family Kahoot! Friday

The new Kahoot! reports

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UN75 + SDGs: the future we want

Join United Nations representatives, Fabrizio Hochschild and Paul Oeystein Bjoerdal, and educator Jen Williams to learn how to align your curriculum with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the UN75 Initiative on the future we want, for more inclusive and impactful learning.

The session is perfect for educators of all grade levels looking to create a learning environment with a focus on sustainability.

Find resources:

UN75 website

UN75 News

UN75 survey site

Take Action Global

Play the Kahoot! challenge

UN resources on Kahoot!

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Join the Apple session at the Kahoot! EDU Summit

Apple + Kahoot!: teaching and learning from anywhere

Join Apple to experience how educators can integrate Kahoot! with the Schoolwork app on iPad to create engaging learning experiences from anywhere. Hear about the latest features in Schoolwork 2.0, the iPad app to assign work, collaborate with students, and check on student progress. See how to use the unique flexibility of iPad with Kahoot!, Dragonbox and Poio, and learn about the many resources designed by Apple to support teaching and learning wherever you are.

The session is intended for educators in grades K-12 looking to make the most out of their Apple products.

Find resources:

Schoolwork Teacher Guide

Schoolwork Admin Guide

Apple Remote Learning Resources

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3-3:30 pm EDT / 9-9:30 pm CET

30-minute break

3:30-4 pm EDT / 9:30-10 pm CET

Ask Kahoot!Ask Kahoot! session 3:30pm EDT

Connect with the K!rew to hear answers to your burning questions. Falguni Bhuta, Head of Global Communications, hosts a Q&A session with Sean D’Arcy, Head of Kahoot! at School, James Micklethwait, VP of Products, and Osama Hanif, Product Manager, based on the questions participants have submitted throughout the event.

The session is perfect for all EDU Summit attendees interested in hearing from our K!rew.

Find resources:

Kahoot! Help and Support Center

Contact Customer Support

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4-5 pm EDT / 10-11 pm CET

Tools you can use tomorrowLeslie fisher keynote 4pm EDT

EdTech hero Leslie Fisher is here to show you her favorite tools that can transform the way you teach, engage your students and collaborate with other teachers. Participate in live, interactive demos and get inspired for the upcoming school year!

Find resources:

Leslie’s presentation

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5-5:30 pm EDT / 11-11:30 pm CET

Kahoot! afterparty 5pm EDT

Let loose with Kahoot! – trivia, prizes and more!

We’ll wrap up the event with a big kahoot! Kick your socks off with a live game hosted by Steve Sherman, one of our enthusiastic Kahoot! ambassadors. Get a chance to win a Premium subscription, as well as t-shirts, magnets, stickers, and other special prizes while experiencing the magic of Kahoot! for yourself!

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Join the 2021 Kahoot! EDU Summit

Kahoot! EDU Summit 2021

June 16 and 17, 2021

Prepare a future-proof plan for coming back to class
Watch the session recordings from our FREE virtual PD event on June 16 and 17, 2021!

View on-demand