Teachers of awesome! We’d love every week to be Teacher Appreciation Week, but this week’s global movement is an extra special occasion to remind you how much we ❤ you. It’s a great time to revisit the amazing classroom stories some of you recently shared with us, full of creative ideas and inspiration for other educators.

Chase Chatfield encourages students to take the lead in class

Research, analysis, presentation, discussion – learn how math teacher Chase Chatfield helps his students boost these awesome superpowers.

Shari Stinnette makes learning inclusive for every student

In every student, there’s a secret classroom superhero waiting to be unleashed. Making her class inclusive for every student is the no.1 priority for special ed teacher Shari Stinnette.

Playing Kahoot! in special education class

Nancy Foote found the formula of engagement in science classes

Nancy Foote has been making learning awesome for over 30 years! Even in times of illness, she stayed connected with her students without being present in the classroom.

Barbara Wingfield and her students collaborate as a creative studio

We’re really proud to have Barbara as our newest guest blogger. Her learners work together like a creative production studio when they make kahoots in American Sign Language.

Kahoot bridging ASL with English

Cathy Yenca brings FUN into complex math problems

Texas-based teacher, influencer, and kahoot creator extraordinaire Cathy Yenca knows how make math fun and maximize knowledge retention. Read how she uses Kahoot! in her class to retrieve and retain knowledge.

Jack Quinn’s learners ace their exams

75% above district norms! The story of Jack Quinn and his student shows that game-based learning isn’t just fun, but also yields great academic results. Btw, while filming this case study, we also unraveled the brilliant show host side of Jack’s personality!

Michael Ortiz helps film students unleash their creativity

Speaking of video case studies – don’t miss out on Michael Ortiz’ story. We first met Michael as a videographer helping us film the story with Jack – and it turned out he’s been a long-time Kahoot!’er, too!

Luke Russell’s Physical Education classes are a dynamic, engaging game

Faster, smarter, Kahoot!’er! PE teacher Luke Russell believes that dynamics and competitive spirit make Kahoot! and PE classes a great match.

Luke Russell picture

Find more teacher articles under “case study” tag on our blog and share your own story with us!