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Agnete T. Pedersen Avatar

Agnete T. Pedersen

Head of Kahoot! Academy

Hi! I am Agnete! I work at Kahoot! where I lead the awesome Kahoot! Academy team. I have worked with digital content since 2005, and joined Kahoot! at our Oslo headquarters in 2017. I am truly passionate about education and very happy to be working directly with the educator community on a daily basis.

I have a Masters in Media Science from Norwegian University of Science and Tech, and I am a mom of 2 awesome girls.

My articles


Kahoot! Academyの、アカデミー賞の栄光に輝いたディズニー&ピクサーの『ソウルフル・ワールド』やその他のディズニーの人気作品をフィーチャーした新しいkahootゲームを使って 、 楽しく社会性と情動の学習(SEL)をすすめましょう。

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