Discover how companies can engage new employees with gamified onboarding in COMPUTERWOCHE
Learn how businesses can transform the employee onboarding experience with interactivity, friendly competition, and more
Learn how businesses can transform the employee onboarding experience with interactivity, friendly competition, and more
November 21, 2023Explore Kahoot!’s journey from founding to future plans in this exclusive interview with Startup Valley
November 8, 2023Einzigartige Halloween-Inhalte, darunter gruselige Kahoots, neue Lektionen für deine Klasse, ein schaurig-schönes Lobby-Thema und erschreckend coole...
October 25, 2023Halloween ist eine großartige Gelegenheit, um wunderbare Erinnerungen mit Freunden und der Familie zu sammeln. Du...
October 18, 2023Students can explore technology and careers in IT through virtual tours by Amazon Future Engineer, available...
September 15, 2023The work trend uncovered in Kahoot!’s latest Workplace Culture Report is explored, with recommendations for how...
April 10, 2023Businesses need a proactive approach to encouraging employee knowledge sharing, says Managing Director
March 27, 2023Find out how quiet constraint impacts the employee experience and company success, and what businesses can...
January 13, 2023Gen Z is the top generation practicing ‘quiet constraint’ at work
November 3, 2022Educators in Germany can get started implementing EdTech with platforms like Kahoot!
August 30, 2022Technology now plays a bigger role in learning than ever before. How can EdTech providers design...
July 5, 2022How can businesses boost efficiency by supporting employees' talents? Discover the key principles of lean management...
January 28, 2022Families and friends could welcome the New Year together in-person or virtually with Kahoot!
January 5, 2022As technology makes it possible to play together from any location, play has become an important...
December 23, 2021Wir freuen uns dir den brandneuen Kahoot!+ AccessPass vorstellen zu dürfen: einen neuen Service, welcher Lernenden...
December 9, 2021Kahoot! makes it easy to organize and host a pub quiz at your online Christmas parties,...
December 7, 2021Hybrid and remote work is here to stay, and business teams around the world are rethinking...
October 27, 2021How can organizations communicate effectively with both office-based and remote employees? Find out what it takes...
October 5, 2021As many companies worldwide look toward a hybrid future of work, Kahoot! is offering key data...
September 27, 2021The report showcased the need to rethink strategies for engaging remote and hybrid employees
September 24, 2021Wir haben die Kahoot!-App für Nutzer in aller Welt jetzt noch barrierefreier, inklusiver und relevanter gemacht....
September 22, 2021How can companies create a more positive workplace while targeting higher productivity? Discover how friendly competition...
September 7, 2021