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Cute little boys in math class, smiling back to the teacher. There are mathematic symbols written at the brackboard.
11+ Questions

Multipling Fractions

#math #fractions

  1. 6/8 × 2/3 =
  2. 3/4 × 1/2 =
  3. 18/20 × 3/7 =
  4. 2/4 × 6/8 =
  5. 8/15 × 1/2 =
  6. 3/8 × 8/16 =
  7. 4/18 × 2/8 =
  8. 3/15 × 1/3 =
  9. 10/20 × 2/50 =
  10. … and 4 more awesome questions! Check them out by clicking “Play”.