New! Create visually captivating kahoots and supercharge engagement w...
We’re excited to announce that Kahoot! has integrated Vimeo! Now, any Kahoot! user can power even more engagement in lessons, presentations, events and more...
Learn moreWe’re excited to announce that Kahoot! has integrated Vimeo! Now, any Kahoot! user can power even more engagement in lessons, presentations, events and more...
Learn moreWith the rise of remote work, it’s clear that not all employees need to be in the same place at the same time to...
Learn moreWhether it’s hybrid, virtual or in-person, everyone wants to end 2021 on a high with an awesome company event. To make yours an event...
Learn moreWe’re excited to announce the addition of Courses to Kahoot! 360. Courses enables the creation of engaging learning journeys which can be experienced by...
Learn moreFrom mandatory training to onboarding for large groups of users, tracking learner progress is even more secure with our new email verification for enterprise.
Learn moreWhat does it take to build and sustain an awesome company culture? We picked up some really insightful tips from the speakers at our...
Learn moreRaise the stakes for your teams! With our brand new Team mode, you can use Kahoot! 360 to help your teams learn how to...
Learn moreStarting today, business professionals can create and share content, network with current and future clients, connect and collaborate with others around the globe, and...
Learn moreMay the force be with you! Kahoot! and Star Wars are launching a one-of-a-kind partnership to bring free learning content featuring fan-favorite Star Wars characters...
Learn moreFindings in our new report point to an increasingly important role for a new kind of collaborative technology in building great hybrid workplace culture.
Learn moreDiscover how to create an inclusive, hybrid workplace culture that produces better business results at the Kahoot! WorkSummit on September 30. Watch a series...
Learn moreThe hybrid workplace is here. Are you ready? Discover how Kahoot! 360 helps companies create and foster a workplace environment that makes everyone feel...
Learn more