Inspire the next generation of STEM innovators with Amazon Future Eng...
Take an interactive virtual field trip behind the scenes at Amazon and explore exciting careers in computer science with this collection of kahoots from...
Learn moreTake an interactive virtual field trip behind the scenes at Amazon and explore exciting careers in computer science with this collection of kahoots from...
Learn moreMake a Super Hero take-off this back-to-school season with new science, social emotional learning, and other kahoot collections featuring fan-favorite characters from Marvel comics.
Learn more오늘부터 Kahoot!의 웹 플랫폼과 앱, 특별한 콘텐츠를 한국어로 이용하실 수 있습니다
Learn moreFrom today, Kahoot!’s web platform, app, and unique content are available in Korean, just in time for the Harvest Moon Festival!
Learn moreTeachers, we have exciting news for you! Starting this week, educators can share their learning resources with millions of Kahoot! users worldwide and earn...
Learn moreDiscover how you can help your students stay safe and healthy and foster inclusivity in the classroom and beyond with this collection of engaging...
Learn moreSupercharging learning in the classroom and beyond with Kahoot! is now easier and more seamless than ever with our new Google Classroom add-on! Discover,...
Learn moreWe are proud to announce a new milestone with Kahoot! reaching 8 billion non-unique participants since the start.
Learn moreOur new interactive Slider question type enables players to answer questions by guessing a number to express a wide range of possibilities and score...
Learn moreKahoot! Kids—our new digital learning playground for early childhood learning—is now available in nineteen languages, making it easier for millions of parents, educators and...
Learn moreBring science learning to life with the latest stories of innovation, conservation and scientific discovery in this collection of newsworthy kahoots from Imagine Learning.
Learn moreЗнайомтеся з українськими перекладачами, які зробили застосунок, вебплатформу та унікальний контент Kahoot! доступними для українських освітян й учнів
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