How Kahoot! is supporting former Edmodo schools transition for back-t...
Schools and districts affected by the sunsetting of the Edmodo learning platform will now have access to a 60-day free trial of Kahoot! EDU
Learn moreSchools and districts affected by the sunsetting of the Edmodo learning platform will now have access to a 60-day free trial of Kahoot! EDU
Learn moreNo more re-copying or re-reading! Here’s how you can turn studying into gaming.
Learn moreDiscover how you can help your students stay safe and healthy and foster inclusivity in the classroom and beyond with this collection of engaging...
Learn moreFind out the biggest takeaways from our panel discussion at the recent Kahoot! EDU Summit on how to use NASA’s resources combined with a...
Learn moreJune, recognized as Pride Month for many around the world, is a beautiful time to recognize our LGBTQIA+/ Queer community.
Learn moreKahoot! Kids—our new digital learning playground for early childhood learning—is now available in nineteen languages, making it easier for millions of parents, educators and...
Learn moreBring science learning to life with the latest stories of innovation, conservation and scientific discovery in this collection of newsworthy kahoots from Imagine Learning.
Learn moreЗнайомтеся з українськими перекладачами, які зробили застосунок, вебплатформу та унікальний контент Kahoot! доступними для українських освітян й учнів
Learn moreMeet the Ukrainian translators who have made it possible to deliver the Kahoot! app, web platform, and unique content to Ukrainian educators and learners
Learn moreWe’re excited to announce that Kahoot! is participating in the LEGO Foundation’s first Play for All Accelerator, with a mission to support neurodivergent children...
Learn moreConnect with your friends in a brand new way when you share your latest Kahoot! score directly to Instagram from the Kahoot! mobile app!...
Learn more