Remote teams: the future of work and how companies can prepare for th...
How you work has become increasingly more important than where you work. More professionals choose to work remotely, and businesses need to get ready...
Learn moreHow you work has become increasingly more important than where you work. More professionals choose to work remotely, and businesses need to get ready...
Learn moreIntroduce topics, create standalone content for remote training, gauge your audience and save time creating kahoots! We’ve added slides, polls, a question bank and...
Learn moreIf something was holding you back from making your own kahoots, nothing will stop you now! We’ve added a question bank, more characters, slides,...
Learn moreIn time for this year’s ISTE conference, we have some awesome news about our partnership with Microsoft: we’re joining their Partner Network and launching...
Learn moreUntil now, Kahoot! has been played on screens, but now we’re excited to bring our game experience to the world’s most popular voice platform...
Learn moreWe’re proud to become a Google for Education Premier Partner! In addition, we’re also launching on the new Chromebook App Hub - read what...
Learn moreToday, Kahoot! and Poio join forces to empower children around the world to learn to read through play. CEO and founder Daniel Senn shares...
Learn moreKahoot! acquires DragonBox! Welcome DragonBox to the Kahoot! family! Co-founder Jean-Baptiste Huynh talks about their history and their vision of making learning math fun...
Learn moreUK-based Cafe Leep uses Kahoot! to engage trainees with learning disabilities and help them become dedicated employees, officially certified in food safety and hygiene.
Learn moreWith the new smart practice feature in our app, students can ace difficult questions from previously played kahoots, remember content better, and also collect...
Learn moreLearn how Jessica Lazarczyk, Client Director at Wondrous, a London-based people consultancy, uses Kahoot! to liven up content-heavy learning sessions so that clients look...
Learn morePenny Springer, a former teacher and now a business training professional, has extensive experience in various learning methodologies. Here’s what happened when she brought...
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